Session 15 was a lovely morning spent with the girls, their parents and other special guests. The sixth form mentors were all there along with many of the teachers that taught them during their time at SHINE. The girls wrote their speeches last session and today they stood up and read them beautifully. The girls told their proud families and audience how they had felt when they were chosen for SHINE, what they had learnt in each session and how attending had allowed them to make new friends and grow in confidence. Mrs Robinson, Headmistress of Merchant Taylors' Girls' School presented each girl with a certificate and Kate Maryon, the children's author and friend of SHINE read an extract of her book Glitter before signing a copy for the girls to take away with them.
Miss Ladbrook, Miss Burns and Mrs Coughlan have enjoyed meeting and getting to know all the girls and were a little sad to say goodbye to them at the end of the awards ceremony, we wish you all lots of luck with your SATs, we will miss you all.