Sunday, 26 February 2017

Session 9 - Maths around the world

Miss Hampson led a brilliant session on maths around the world. The girls learnt the Chinese and Japanese method of multiplication, which proved to be fantastic multiplication strategies. They then used these strategies to work out a murder mystery.

After juice and the very popular cookies the girls enjoyed a mathematical treasure hunt and created a variety of Chinese tangrams.

It was great fun to try different maths activities and to learn different methods of working out multiplications. Thank you to Miss Hampson for a fun morning.

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Saturday, 4 February 2017

Session 8 - Marvellous Metals

Mrs Copley led the Chemistry session this morning where the girls learnt about the Properties of Metals. They learnt that some metals are hard, malleable, sonorous, conduct electricity etc. The girls then put on their laboratory coats and safety glasses and were excited to become real scientists for the morning! They observed Mrs Copley demonstrating how metals react with water. They learnt that lithium is the least reactive in water and potassium is the most reactive. The girls then conducted an experiment to test which metals conduct electricity. They were able to record their results by seeing whether or not the samples lit up a bulb.

After break, the girls then conducted a flame test experiment. After learning how to use the Bunsen burner safely, the girls tested different samples to see what colour they would produce when placed in the blue cone flame. They observed that copper sulphate produced a green flame, for example. The morning ended with a competition to see who could complete the wordsearch the fastest!

The girls had great fun in the Chemistry laboratory. Thank you very much Mrs Copley for leading such a wonderful session.